Main Bar Cap lemon bar

Bar Capabilities

Our unique bar capabilities and patented technologies support your targeted market opportunities, from 20g snack bars to 100g meal replacements, with the innovation and launch speed you need to succeed. We can meet virtually any unique specifications by supporting nutritional needs and the latest trends, delivering taste and texture attributes, and offering good shelf life, all while adapting to your specific needs. We help set your bar apart from competing products in the marketplace, whether your focus is CPG, private label or direct sell.

How we raise the bar

R&D Capabilities

The snack, nutrition, performance bars and weight management markets have exploded in the past few years. How do you innovate and stand out in a crowded market place? At Nellson we see things differently. We believe that True creativity and innovation comes from knowing exactly what happens to your product at every stage of your products lifecycle.

Extruded Applications

The preferred process for high density products, like high protein and nutrient dense bars.

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Single Extruded

High density dough style, often used for large format high protein bars

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The perfect balance between hearty exterior and sweet, savory or fruit filling, a popular option for fruit-filled and breakfast bars

Nellson Bar Cap Extruded 3

Custom Shapes

Our handling expertise allows you to create a unique statement, with tube or bar shapes

Slab Layered

A better process for lower density products with whole particulates like nuts and grains, used for granola/cereal type bars.

Nellson Bar Cap Slab Layered 1

Single Slab

This versatile process allows ingredients to be the featured attraction

Nellson Bar Cap Slab Layered 2

Double Slab

Twice the layers and double the consumer impact

Nellson Bar Cap Slab Layered 3

Triple Slab

A triple helping of wholesome ingredients for endless possibilities


Fully enrobed. Top or bottom coated. Anyway you finish it off, we have got you covered.

Coatings Real Chocolate

Real Chocolate

Made with cocoa butter, tempered for authentic taste and sheen

Coatings Compound


Varieties of confectionery coatings made with palm kernel oil, no tempering required

Coatings Custom


Any flavor, any color, any type—your own signature coating


The extra added touch in a variety of options to add flavor, texture, and decoration.

Drizzle Patterns


Enhance the visual appeal or create a signature look for your brand

Drizzle Flavors


The ultimate indulgence and instant upgrade


Top off your bar with some added nutrition, sensory appeal, or meet sweet/savory trend demands with a variety of options available.

Toppings Fruit And Nut

Real Fruit, Nuts, Seeds and Grains

Add extra taste and unique texture, from fruit and nuts to seeds and grains

Toppings Pretzel


The perennial favorite adds a satisfying salty crunch

Toppings Decorative


The sky’s the limit when you choose your custom blend

Custom Shapes

Custom Shapes Squarea241009685Bc66Bdaf9Fff0000Eb22Bf


Stand out in a crowd of rectangles, with a square bar

Extruded Custom Shapes


Reflect your product’s wholesome, well-rounded nature

Bar Capabilities Minis 28F75009685Bc66Bdaf9Fff0000Eb22Bf


Bite-size bars provide snacks on-the-go & easy portion control

strawberry crumble

a project

Project Request
Winning combo bars

on your team

Nothing succeeds like success.

We’ve got your back throughout the production process with the strategic sourcing, continuous improvement and risk management to make your product a success.


build your bar

Let's Do This

powder package