Customer Communication #6: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update
April 29, 2020

Dear Customer,

First and foremost, our sympathies go out to anyone who has been impacted by the virus, either directly or indirectly as together we are facing a truly unprecedented situation. During this time, I wanted to reach out and provide the latest developments in our ongoing efforts to address the evolving Coronavirus situation.

  • Since our communication a few weeks ago we have had five confirmed COVID-19 cases: three in our Supply Chain group in the office of our Lachine Canada facility and two in our Manufacturing area of our Salt Lake City facility.
    • I am encouraged to report that our policies and procedures that had been developed in the event of a confirmed case or exposure were implemented seamlessly.
    • The five employees who tested positive are recovering well at home with two of them already fully recovered. Furthermore, other employees who felt they may have come in contact with those who tested positive are self-quarantining at home for 14 days.
    • Nellson has a Return to Work Policy in place for employees with a confirmed or suspected diagnosis of COVID-19 and those who may have experienced secondary exposure. These policies have been implemented effectively at all our sites to minimize any risk to our employees. All decisions regarding Nellson employees returning to work after a confirmed or suspected case of COVID-19 or secondary exposure will follow the policy which is aligned with the government guidelines in both the US and Canada.
    • We are continuing to operate all manufacturing facilities as scheduled and do not anticipate any significant disruption to production.
  • The health and safety of our employees, families, and communities remains our top priority and while the situation evolves, we continue to identify additional ways to improve on all COVID-19 related measures.
    • Telecommuting: Our approach across all Nellson facilities during this pandemic is to encourage all employees who can perform their responsibilities adequately from home to do so for the time being.
    • Face Masks: Since our last communication, the CDC has recommended that cloth face masks be worn in public environments. Nellson has procured enough masks to provide to all our employees and allow them to change daily. Only Nellson supplied masks are allowed in the production areas of our facilities.
    • Additional Sanitation: All sites have implemented the use of fogging machines which have been proven to be extremely effective in sanitizing and disinfecting equipment as well as enclosed areas. These will be deployed routinely in common areas and in areas in which we experience a confirmed case of the virus. We continue to conduct frequent cleaning and disinfecting of often-touched surfaces in common areas (time clocks, door handles, microwaves, etc.) and on the production floor (control buttons and panels, handheld tools, etc.).
    • Social Distancing: All start times, breaks and lunches are staggered to minimize foot traffic in common areas such as the time clocks, locker rooms, hand washing stations and lunchrooms. In addition, markers have been placed in common areas indicating the recommended six feet social distancing.
    • Weekly Communications: Our employees receive a weekly communication to ensure they are aware of the latest COVID-19 developments. In addition to emailing our communications and posting them on our employee portal and site bulletin boards, we have also recently launched a SMS communication tool which allows us to deliver real time text updates when new information is available.

We will continue to monitor this situation and update as appropriate.


Jamie Better

Chief Executive Officer