Consumers shop for a more sustainable future

It’s only natural that a consumer passionate about their health would be just as passionate about the health of their planet. Our latest trend report shows that sustainability has become an expectation for consumers, not just a perk.

Why sustainability is important

The research shows consumers are putting their money where their mouth is. As a case in point, 32%¹ are willing to pay more for sustainably made products.

Sensible sourcing

Two in three consumers say they care about how a product is sourced². So, we only work with ingredient suppliers who meet our rigorous standards for quality and sustainability. We strive to promote sustainability throughout the entire supply chain process.

Smarter shipping

Cutting your shipping emissions is as simple as shedding some packing pounds. From rethinking cardboard dividers to box size, we can walk you through every step. Even protecting your goods can be done sustainably—our eco-friendly cushioning provides a sustainable safeguard for products in transit.

The attractiveness of recyclability

Sustainable packaging will always attract the wandering eyes of consumers. In fact, 60%³ would switch to a new bar or powder brand that uses recyclable material. Not sure which sustainable choice is the right one for you? Our team can help you understand your options and create a personalized solution to suit your needs.

Committed to environmental improvement

As your sustainability partner, we’re always making strides to be a better ally for a cleaner planet. We recently slashed energy consumption across the board at all locations, even transforming all our Canadian sites into using 100% renewable energy.

Let’s make the planet and consumers happy

All these ways to make your products more planet-friendly will yield great dividends and attention from consumers. Together, we’ll turn passions for sustainability into great expectations.

You can read our full report on how consumers crave sustainability here. If you’d like to discuss how we can help meet your goals, just reach out.


¹ Mintel, Infographic Overview for Sustainability in Retail

² Innova Trends Survey 2023 (Global: Average of Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Spain, the UK and the US), Innova Database

³ Innova Packaging Survey 2022 (average of responses from11 countries), Packaging Insights 2020, 2021, 2022

Category: Trends Bars Powders

Tags: consumer trends , sustainability , innovation , nutritional bars , functional powders , trend report