More Pow(d)er to You

Recently Lisa Unlu, our Director R&D, Powders, shared her thoughts on how we support our customers with innovative solutions, by:

  • anticipating the latest trends
  • meeting demands
  • scaling up for success

Scaling Up Doesn’t Have to Be Hard

With help from Nellson, the scale-up process for your new or improved nutritional powder can be smoother and faster. We’re here to support you with help from our research and development teams, available in both of our powder division locations.

Find out more about scaling up, in Lisa’s Increasing Scale video.

Innovation Starts Here

Learn how our truly innovative culture, collaborative process, and strong relationships with ingredient suppliers benefit Nellson customers. Hint: it’s all about allowing us to anticipate upcoming trends and introduce unique ingredients that can help differentiate your nutritional powder brand.

Find out more about anticipating trends in Lisa’s Assessing Trends video.

Contact us today to start your next project.

Category: Powders

Tags: videos , scaling up