How to Solve the Sugar Conundrum

Whether you consider it a ‘trend’ or demand, sugar reduction is top of mind for consumers. Successful brands must follow suit and discover how to deliver the in-demand reduced sugar products to please them.

What—if any—compromises are consumers willing to make when it comes to products with reduced sugar content? Find the answers to these questions and more, in our complimentary nutrition trend report, Consumers and Sugar Reduction.

Consumer Demand for Sugar Reduction

It’s no surprise that the majority of consumers say they want to consume less added sugars. But, how many say they actually pay close attention to their sugar consumption? Or, think that nutritional bars and beverages have too much sugar?

In this report, you’ll find:

  • Reasons behind the demand for reduced sugar products

  • What consumers look for when checking labels

  • How brands are responding to the demand

Sugar Reduction Challenges

It’s undeniable: taste is still #1 for consumers. When they opt for products that feature less added sugars, they still expect some sweetness, along with an overall positive eating experience.

What does that mean for brands? Your formulation challenges go beyond sweetness alone. The report explores the challenges of reducing or replacing traditional added sugars, from taste and sweetness level to the effects on mouthfeel.

The Best Alternatives to Traditional Sugar

So, what’s the alternative? Find out which alternative sweeteners consumers like to see in place of traditional sugar.

Hint: consumers prefer natural sweeteners.

Solving the Sugar Reduction Challenge

Wondering how to navigate today’s sugar reduction trend? Whether you are reformulating your snack bar or nutritional powder to feature less added sugars, you need someone with true expertise and a mastery of new sugar replacement technology and ingredients, to solve your challenges.

The solution to your sugar reduction challenges? Reformulating your bar or powder with Nellson. Find out more about how we can help bring your reduced sugar products to fruition, here.

Or, get in touch with us here.

Category: Trends Powders

Tags: reduced sugar , trend , report , powders , beverage